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Tips for Conducting a Successful Online Job Search

Searching for jobs online has made finding a job a more efficient process for most job seekers.

However, online job searches have also expanded the reach for applicant pools, which means that job openings can receive many more applications than they would have before the days of the Internet.

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There are pros and cons to the online job options, so be sure to learn how to utilize this opportunity and to avoid its pitfalls.

The online job search grants job seekers a useful tool for identifying potential jobs of interest.

By using online job boards, you can search for roles that match your experience, education, career goals and more. These jobs might be at companies that you had never even heard of before, granting you more choices and opportunities.

There are also several ways that you can conduct your online searches, as well as other methods to employ when you want to find a new job.

Be sure to utilize the resources right for you based on your role, your industry and your expertise.

How to Do an Online Job Search

Doing an online job search requires you to first feel familiar with how to use the Internet. If you are confused or need help, seek out local resources at your community library or business center, if available.

Looking for jobs online usually begins on the sites dedicated to job listings. These are plentiful and vary in their options and costs, although most sites will offer free job searches to find the listings that might apply to you.

Job listing websites allow you to filter your search options to find the most applicable opportunities. Use these filters to fine-tune your search, indicating the appropriate details for the following types of information:

  • The geographic area where you want to work
  • The job role or title you seek
  • The level of management for a position
  • The education requirements
  • The salary range you expect to receive
  • The type of job contract (full-time, part-time, etc.)

Keep in mind that some companies use different types of titles, so searching for a very specific title or role might limit your results.

There are also various platforms where different search filters will be available, so be sure to use the ones that apply to your needs so you can find the most appropriate opportunities.

Learn Tactics for Online Job Searches

If your online job searches have not yielded the results you are looking for, you could consider using a recruiting agency to help you. Learn about how to work with a recruiting agency here.

Recruiters can have access to other job listings that you might not be privy to, so it could be worth your while to use their services.

Their online listings might include private company openings that are only available through the recruiting agency, so you might get an inside track by reaching out for assistance.

Online job searches should be done regularly, whether you are actively looking for a new job or not.

Understanding the job market means seeing openings posted for similar roles to your own, reviewing expectations and requirements for the type of role you have now as well as the career path you intend to take.

You can compare salary ranges, roles and titles, job descriptions and more. This type of research is important for a successful career, so be sure to use these online search options periodically.

Online job searches have enabled many more applicants to see a job posting and to easily apply for it. This means that your competition is much higher, so you need to make sure you stand out from the crowd when you apply.

This also means that you should be regularly checking job boards to see new postings and to be one of the first to apply.

A great way to stay updated on new postings is to create a profile on job board websites and to subscribe to updates.

Pros and Cons of Online Job Searching

Online job searching can be an efficient way to find a new job. However, it is also a highly competitive way to apply for a job, so you have to consider the pros and cons.

For certain roles and certain industries, getting offline and making direct contact with companies or hiring managers can actually improve your chances of a successful search. For most job roles, however, the online option is the only one available.

When using job board listing websites, you often have the opportunity to upload your resume.

This can be helpful, as recruiters or even companies could see it and contact you directly. However, this does not give you the chance to cater your resume directly to any one role or company.

It may not be a bad idea to upload your resume, just know that it is a passive way to job search and is less likely to yield great results.

Find Out Other Ways to Job Search

Since online job searches are so popular now, there are other ways to job search that might actually make you stand out from the crowd.

Using your own personal and professional network should not be overlooked.

If you know someone who works at a company where you want to work, this contact can be vitally important in getting your application carefully reviewed.

Additionally, your networks might know of upcoming openings before they even go public.

This gives you a unique advantage in being ahead of the crowd as you submit your application. Finally, your networks can prove to provide job details even when they are not hiring.

If you make it known in your own networks that you are looking for certain work, a job might just open up for you specifically. You never know if you do not try.

Social media networks can be another great resource for job searching.

While not specifically job boards with listings of available opportunities, social media can offer you insights into a company’s culture and the people who work there.

When writing your cover letter, you can use social media networks to identify the hiring manager who will be reading it.

LinkedIn can be a particularly useful online tool for finding the employees at an organization and for learning more about their responsibilities and roles within the company.